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Staying Organized with Kids

Let's start by making it very clear to stay sane as a mom, you have to have oodles of grace for yourself. I have ADHD so staying organized has always been a challenge and most of my life I wasn't organized in the least. After becoming a mom, I have almost become obsessive since I was wasting so much mental energy on locating things I needed in my day-to-day. I repeatedly got frustrated when I misplaced something and perhaps more frustrated when my husband and kids asked me to find something without ever having looked themselves. So I got organized. Here are my top tips for getting and staying organized as a mom.

  1. I have a place for everything. Where is the tape? Why, it is in the tape box. The lighters? The lighter box. The Play-Doh and colored pencils? the art supplies box. The card you got from grandma ten years ago? Your sentimental box. EVERYTHING has a place and EVERYTHING is clearly labeled. The easiest thing to do is go to the Target, Walmart, or Container Store near you and get a plethora of boxes in different sizes, preferebly a set made to stack on each other. I choose weatherproof boxes since many end up in our attic or garage. Once you have categorized and know what labels to make, purchase Avery Labels, which come in every size imaginable, and use their site to make and print your labels.

2. I keep a basket or bin in almost every room designated for toys. Even though the toys have their space in the playroom, they end up over every inch of my house by the end of the day. It makes it easier for me and my kids to be able to throw the toys in a bin and then bring that bin to the playroom to disperse them to their places. This doesn't happen every day, mind you. I couldn't tell you the last time I emptied their toy bin in the living room, but that is just fine by me.

3. The final most important tip to staying organized is also the most difficult one. Teach your kids to clean up and hold them responsible for their messes. It takes much longer to convince them to put away their toys, shoes, and clothes than just putting them away yourself. However, this is an investment for you and your children's future. They will gain a sense of responsibility, respect for you and their spaces, and will gain confidence from being able to take care of their things. They are capable of as much as you allow them to be. Have a conversation with those who take part in raising your child so you can maintain standards across the board.

I hope one of these tips helps you feel more at peace in your home. Comment your best tips below and remember to have grace with yourself. I'd be lying if I told you I didn't have a pile or two of random items I mean to put away eventually, labels to make, or that I don't ever clean up after my kids. Life is imperfect.


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